We’re pleased to announce our next series of events for 2021.
The first DMC Forum for 2021 will be “Tipping in digital markets – When to intervene ex-ante and what are the principles for intervention?” on Thursday, March 18th. More information about the time and panelists will be announced in the next few days. You can already sign-up for the event to get the latest updates as well as the recording.
More events:
(April) Platform envelopment through data – When does it lead to market foreclosure?
(May) Platform competition – the impact of different data-based business models
(July) Innovation and competition dynamics in digital platforms and ecosystems
Each event of DMC Forum has an individual focus and can be followed independently.
We are looking forward to having you partaking in our next events. In the meantime, you might see a recap of past events in our website or read our DMC Forum report on Value Preserving Platform Regulation and the latest contribution of the DMC Forum’s director, Carmel Cennamo, on Platform Regulation: Market Efficiency vs. Ecosystem Innovation Logics.
More information will follow, please follow our social channels to stay tuned on our initiatives.